Insurance Web Directory
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Agents (22)
Links to agencies on the Internet
Associations (11)
Links to various insurance associations
Bureaus (3)
Carriers (45)
Insurance carriers
Claims Services (16)
Internet based claims services
Consumer (14)
Links to consumer information such as scam busters, etc.
Departments Of Insurance (56)
Department of Insurance listings
Directories (9)
Links to sites providing directories of insurance information online
E-Commerce (3)
Links to Insurance Industry eCommerce
Education (6)
Links to educational site on insurance
Employment (3)
Government (10)
Links to various goverment information and services online
History (8)
Sites dedicated to history of insurance. Includes various museum sites, firemarks, company historical sites, etc.
Industry Services (3)
Online insurance services other than insurance agencies. Services range from Loss Control to Claims
Market Research (5)
Links to research sites on customers demographics, site ratings, etc.
News (8)
Industry news and analysis
Publications and References (16)
Online insurance publications and industry references
Regulations (3)
Online insurance regulations
Reinsurance (6)
Search Engines (6)
Listing of various search engines
Software Vendors (71)
Insurance Software Vendors
Standards (2)
Links to industry standards information

There are 326 links for you to choose from!

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